

Auxiliary members are encouraged to get involved and stay informed on local and national issues of special interest to the organization. They keep in close contact with their legislative representatives about issues which concern veterans, young people and entire communities. Auxiliary members know there is strength in numbers. Many beneficial laws have been passed because of Legion and Auxiliary support.


American Legion Auxiliary members are interested in legislative measures which come before the United States Congress and the state legislatures. Through lobbying efforts The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary are able to influence legislation of benefit to veterans, the community and our nation.


National and State Legislative Committee

The national organization of the American Legion Auxiliary has a National Legislative Committee which works closely with the National Legislative Commission of The American Legion. The American Legion Commission has offices in Washington. D.C. and continually promotes the passage of The American Legion sponsored legislation. Departments of the American Legion and Auxiliary also have Legislative Committees which function in a similar manner within the states.


Unit Support in Legislative Work

When measures important to the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary are before the lawmaking bodies for consideration, appeals go out for support on these measures. At such times Auxiliary members contact their representatives urging them to take the action desired. The legislative matters usually deal with some other phase of Auxiliary work, such as Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation - getting beneficial legislation for veterans; Children and Youth - securing legislation beneficial to children of veterans and children generally; National Security - securing national security measures; or Americanism - obtaining the passage of measures to promote better citizenship.


Some important contacts are listed below:

Committee on Veterans Affairs for the US
House of Representatives

Military Funeral Honors

Committee on Veterans Affairs for the US Senate

Arlington National Cemetery

Department of Veterans Affairs Home Page

Federal benefits for Veterans and Dependents

Department of Veterans Affairs Gulf War
Veterans Illnesses Home Page

Replacing Military records/National Archives

Federal Jobs for Veterans

VA Home loan

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
www.nchv@nchv.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it